Notice Regarding Smart Start Workforce Grants and Ex Parte Communications
Please note, Smart Start Workforce Grants rulemaking has begun First Notice Period as of July 5,2024, and will remain open for public comments through August 19, 2024.
Until the end of the public rulemaking process, Smart Start Workforce Grants is subject to the State’s Ex Parte Communications requirements. Therefore, all external communication with IDHS staff that imparts or requests relevant information or makes an argument regarding potential action concerning the rulemaking and is communicated to IDHS or any IDHS employee must be added to the public record.

Early Intervention Supports
Early Intervention in the News
Parents, advocates push for more state funding for Early Intervention services; Chronicle Illinois
Early intervention program advocates seek more funding to shorten a growing wait list; WCBU/NPR
Peoria Community Leaders Advocate for More Support of Early Childhood Education, WCBU
Black and Latino Infants and Toddlers Often Miss Out on Early Therapies They Need, Hechinger Report
Why Children of Color Aren't Getting the Physical, Speech Therapy Some Need, USA Today
Your Turn: Why Increasing Early Intervention Funding is Crucial in Illinois; State Journal-Register
Resources for Families
Know your rights! If your baby qualifies for early intervention, you are legally entitled to services. Review the timeline for a callback, evaluation, and the start of services.
Review our Early Intervention Legislative Fact Sheet.
Suppose you have not received a callback or evaluation or have been evaluated, but services have not begun. In that case, you can file a complaint through your local Child and Family Connections office.
Need help filing your complaint? Schedule an appointment with Equip for Equality for extra support.
The above information and more can be found at

Tell Your Legislators to Support Full Funding for ECACE!
We need your help now more than ever to shape the future of early childhood care and education in Illinois! Urge your legislators to secure at least $60 million in funding for ECACE in the FY25 budget! The Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) has been a cornerstone for the incumbent early childhood workforce within our state, but current funding is grossly inadequate. As advocates within our community, your voice is incredibly powerful. We urge you to reach out to your legislators and ask them to support full funding for ECACE through HB5806/SB3923. This consortium is more than just a program, it is a lifeline for students across 95% of Illinois counties who depend on ECACE scholarships to pursue their early childhood education degrees. Learn more about ECACE here.
Advocacy Opportunity for Early Intervention
Share stories
· Please Share Your EI Story! We are collecting stories and pictures from families about their EI experiences to share with the governor’s office, legislators, and administrators at Early Childhood Advocacy Day to demonstrate the impact of early intervention.
Our Ask: Please share widely with your networks so we can collect stories from as many families as possible in the next few weeks!
o Babies Can’t Wait! postcard campaign (English)
o Campaña de tarjetas postales "Nuestros Bebés No Pueden Esperar" (Spanish)
2. File a complaint
· Waiting for EI Services? File a Complaint! We are partnering with Equip for Equality to support families in filing state complaints if they are experiencing barriers to accessing EI at any step of the process and are waiting longer than the required EI timelines. Many families who are referred to the program never receive a callback and are unable to connect to the EI system at all. The thousands of families waiting for services are largely invisible, and these families must be seen and heard.
o Review required EI Timelines on when you should receive a call back, an evaluation and IFSP, and begin services.
o Access a fillable state complaint form and information on how to file it.
o Request an appointment with Equip for Equality for support with filing a complaint.
Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessment
Using a Collective Impact Model, between September 2022 and June 2023, Birth to Five Illinois Action and Family Councils worked together to identify regional needs. Below you can download the Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessment for Region 49 ( Rock Island County).
In partnership with
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Teach Plus Illinois opportunities
Teach Plus Illinois offers three opportunities for early childhood educators to share their experiences to inform decision-making. You can participate in as many research projects as you are comfortable with and eligible for.
IDHS Compensation Contracts Focus Groups: Teach Plus Illinois is partnering with the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to gather educator insight on IDHS’s Compensation Contracts. We are looking for current Illinois early childhood educators in a community-based childcare program to participate in focus groups.
Special Education for 3-5-Year-Olds in CBOs Focus Groups: We are conducting focus groups with early childhood educators in community-based programs as part of a research study to understand teachers’ perspectives on how 3 to 5-year-old children with special needs are being serviced in community-based organizations.
Early Childhood Workforce Student Teaching Survey: We are looking for early childhood educators who chose to pursue licensure after they had some experience in the field to complete a survey as part of a research study to understand early childhood educators’ perspectives on student teaching experiences.
Each study will offer a raffle for a $20 gift certificate to participants. You will be entered individually for each study that you participate in. Find more information on all three research studies here.